Pull Requests
Get code review of every opened pull request.
Codebeat analyses every pull request when you add a new private project using Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab.
Enabling pull request feature.
To find out how to enable pull request feature for a specific project, just follow the links Github, Bitbucket and GitLab.
Pull request page
Every private project has a Pull Requests tab on it's dashboard. If you find it empty even though you have some open PR's, make sure to push a new commit to your repository so that codebeat can trigger a sync. While you can find an overview of all PRs on the list, the single PR page gives much more in-depth information.

Full PR report page
Code quality summary
The header includes basic quality information about a given PR. Apart from data like pull request name, commit hash and branch name, you will find three icons summarising introduced, fixed, and changed issues, grouped by their category: Complexity Issues, Namespace Level Issues and Duplications.

Summary information for every GitHub pull request
Pull request quality report
After scrolling down to the Report section you'll find a list of entries representing quality changes that have been introduced by your PR. Moreover, for every grade change you can see a full issue summary and code diff by clicking one of two buttons on the right. This way no introduced or degraded issue will pass through your code review unnoticed.

Improved classes show what issues have been fixed

Degraded classes show new or degraded issues
Manually closing a pull request
In some cases you might want to manually close a pull request on codebeat to remove it from the list (it might be old and neglected for instance). This can be achieved by clicking Close button on pull requests list.
This will only close the pull request in codebeat.

Close pull request button
Tracked branches
codebeat only analyses Pull Requests if the target branch is the one tracked by codebeat.
Updated about 8 years ago