Creating a new account
So, you've heard the rave reviews, you've heard your developer friends boasting about how proud they are of their code. Understandably, you want to check codebeat for yourself. Easy, just create an account and hop on the bus. It's free.
Get started
To do this, click the big green Get started button that greets you on our homepage to start your free 30-day trial. Remember, if you only work on open source projects, codebeat will be free for you, forever.

Enter your credentials
The next page will give you a choice. You can use your GitHub or Bitbucket account or enter your e-mail and password manually. The first two options are recommended, as they make things like Adding a new project way easier.

You may need to enter your GitHub/Bitbucket credentials and authorize codebeat to use your repos.
Once you choose your preferred sign-up method, you will be asked to create your first project from your GitHub/Bitbucket repo or from your self-hosted repo. Just follow the instructions and you'll be done in no time.
You can also link with Github/Bitbucket later or just use codebeat with a self-hosted repo if that's what you prefer.
Hint: scroll the homepage all the way down, it's really worth it.
Updated less than a minute ago